Free Grief Relief Yoga Class
9:15 AM09:15

Free Grief Relief Yoga Class

Taught by Jacalyn White, this a gentle practice in a chair or on a yoga mat, facilitates moving painful emotions that are stuck in the body. Expressive movement and simple yoga postures emphasize emotional release and self compassion. Take steps, big or small, to compassion and hope. This is a free, drop-in class held at the The Card Room at the Pacifica Community Center, 540 Crespi Drive.

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Free Grief Relief Yoga Class
10:00 AM10:00

Free Grief Relief Yoga Class

Yoga instructor Jacalyn White has designed this gentle practice that may be done in a chair or on a yoga mat, to facilitate moving painful emotions that are stuck in the body. Done with both expressive movement and simple yoga postures, Grief Relief Yoga emphasizes emotional release and self compassion. This class is free and is a drop-in class. Class is held in the Sharp Park Library Community Room, 104 Hilton Way, Pacifica.

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Free Class: Food Myths vs. Truths
11:00 AM11:00

Free Class: Food Myths vs. Truths

Learn about Food Myths and Truths. Use this knowledge to clean up your pantry! Empower yourself with the fundamental knowledge so you can make healthier decisions for yourself. Join our acupuncturist/nutritionist Shelley Lane for our upcoming Food Myths vs. Truths class. Reserve your space, under “make an appointment” and “nutrition class.”

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Free Class: Food Myths vs. Truths
5:30 PM17:30

Free Class: Food Myths vs. Truths

Learn about Food Myths and Truths. Use this knowledge to clean up your pantry! Empower yourself with the fundamental knowledge so you can make healthier decisions for yourself. Join our acupuncturist/nutritionist Shelley Lane for our upcoming Food Myths vs. Truths class. Reserve your space, under “make an appointment” and “nutrition class.”

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Beach Hike - Grief Support Group
10:30 AM10:30

Beach Hike - Grief Support Group

The Grief Walk by the Beach is a casual event where participants can come as they are, walk together or separately, discuss grief or other topics, or simply walk silently and enjoy the ocean. Regardless of how you choose to show up to the beach walk, there can be comfort in knowing that you are walking alongside others who have also experienced loss. Jacalyn White will be your host this month and meet you in the Oceanside Healing parking lot at 1301 Palmetto Ave.

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Free Sound Healing - Grief Support
12:00 PM12:00

Free Sound Healing - Grief Support

Joe Coffin will use his alchemy bowls to balance your seven chakras. Emotions such as grief can bring you out of alignment. The sounds of the bowls will help to rebalance you and give you a sense of wellbeing. Please go to Make An Appointment - Sound Healing to reserve your space for this free event at the Sharp Park library on 104 Hilton Way. You will be lying down for an hour, so dress comfortably.

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Free Drum Circle
1:00 PM13:00

Free Drum Circle

Drum circles have a long tradition in many different cultures. There have been proven health benefits to drumming, including a sense of community, decrease in stress, and improved immunity. This a part of the Seaside Merchants SECOND SATURDAY event! Walk down the street afterwards and check out the pop-up vendors!

Shirley McClure will lead drummers of all levels. There is no such thing as making a “wrong” sound, so don’t be shy. Please join us. Instruments are provided, if you do not have a drum.

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Conscious Living Book Club
6:30 PM18:30

Conscious Living Book Club

The mission of this weekly book club is to promote healing, wellness and disease prevention by gaining new insights into empowering the mind, body and spirit through the exploration of books and relevant videos. We will be discussing Practices 8 and 9 of The Art of Possibility, which is available at Florey’s Bookstore on Palmetto. For more info:

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Drumming Fundamentals CLASS ($25)
10:00 AM10:00

Drumming Fundamentals CLASS ($25)

Learn the basics of drumming with Shirley McClure. Shirley has been drumming for 30 years. During that time she practiced many styles: West African, Afro-Cuban, Middle Eastern, Congolese and even traveling to Japan with the Kodo Taiko drummers. Shirley’s wish is to bring the healing power of the drum to this community. (class size limited, you must sign up on website / drums will be provided if you do not own one.)

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Free "All About Chi Nei Tsang" Talk
10:00 AM10:00

Free "All About Chi Nei Tsang" Talk

Shirley McClure, Oceanside’s Chi Nei Tsang practitioner, will be speaking about Chi Nei Tsang, a Taoist form of abdominal massage which helps people release stuck emotional chargers and promotes health and well being.

Please register under “make an appointment” and under “Chi Nei Tsang Talk” and attend the talk to receive $20 off your first CNT session with Shirley.

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Nutrition 101 Class
3:00 PM15:00

Nutrition 101 Class

Confused about your diet? Not sure what is healthy or where to start? Empower yourself with the fundamental knowledge so you can make healthier decisions for yourself. Join our acupuncturist/nutritionist Shelley Lane for our upcoming Nutrition 101 class. Please bring questions!

To reserve your space, we do ask that you register on our website under “make an appointment” and “nutrition class.” There is a $10 deposit to hold your space, which will be refunded to you after the class or, if you prefer, can go toward herbs, a future appointment, etc. Attendees will also receive $35 off their first acupuncture treatment with Dr. Shelley ($100 for initial appointment, originally $135).

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Free Drum Circle
12:00 PM12:00

Free Drum Circle

Drum circles have a long history in Asian, African and Native American cultures. They are an informal way to  connect with others, relax, and relieve stress. There is no such thing as making a “wrong” sound. 

This FREE event is led by Shirley McClure in the parking lot of Seahorse Brewing on Palmetto, between San Jose and Santa Rosa Ave. (If you plan to grab lunch at the Seahorse, you may park in the lot.) If you do not have an instrument, one will be provided.

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Looking in the Mirror : Reclaiming Our Power to Forgive (4 classes)
6:00 PM18:00

Looking in the Mirror : Reclaiming Our Power to Forgive (4 classes)

Looking in the Mirror: Reclaiming our power to forgive. A 4 week series led by Steven Evans that meets every Wednesday from August 21 - September 11 from 6-7pm. The class will explore the stories that bind us to suffering and explore the dimensions of forgiveness towards ourselves and others. $125 Early Bird price, $150 after August 15th. Tuition includes: practices, audio recordings, and a 30 minute one-on-one check-in outside of class.

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Drumming Fundamentals Class, Part II
11:00 AM11:00

Drumming Fundamentals Class, Part II

Shirley McClure has 30 years of experience drumming. She has studied with masters in all types of drumming, from Afro-Cuban to Middle Eastern to Japanese Kodo. Her love for the practice comes through her teaching and playing, she feels it brings healing and fosters community. In this class, Shirley will build upon the skills developed in the first class. (Prereq: Drumming Basics I) Class size limited to 6. $25. Please sign up under “workshops”.

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Learn more about Facial Acupuncture!
10:30 AM10:30

Learn more about Facial Acupuncture!

Want to look your best for the holidays? Come to our free, short, informative talk to learn more about facial acupuncture. Dr. Lori will let you know what to expect in a treatment and discuss some of the skin conditions that can be helped. She will demo some of the techniques she is using and attendees will receive $25 off an initial treatment.

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Small Business Saturday - support your local businesses
11:00 AM11:00

Small Business Saturday - support your local businesses

Come out for small business Saturday! Support your local business, learn about new ways to improve your health, and take advantage of a 1 day shopping special. There will be many events along Palmetto and Francisco Ave. Come visit us at our pop-up location on Palmetto, at Paloma. There will be $1/min chair massage with Ben and free ear acupressure treatments by Jane. And for one day only, you can purchase a $100 gift card for $80.

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Establish Your Own Meditation Practice - 5 classes ($175/$140 early bird price)
5:00 PM17:00

Establish Your Own Meditation Practice - 5 classes ($175/$140 early bird price)

Do you know the benefits of meditation and want to start a daily practice, but find it difficult? Over the course of 5 classes, Steven Evans will help you to develop a routine that works for you. Besides a booklet covering all the information Steven will share with you, after each session you will receive a different guided audio meditation to help you in developing a consistent practice. Steven will also provide each attendee with a 60 minute one-on-one check in consultation. Sign up under “Make-an-appointment/Workshops”. Class size limited to 12 people. (image by Katerina May)

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Sound for Relaxation & Self-Healing (3 part series)
5:00 PM17:00

Sound for Relaxation & Self-Healing (3 part series)

Your own voice can be healing. In these 3 classes, you will learn how to use your voice with intention to activate your parasympathetic system. Steven will also teach you various techniques such as toning, humming and chanting. With these tools, you will practice using your voice to clear and move energy, as well as experience a sense of peace and well-being. $88, $66 early bird price before Oct 4. Sign up under “WORKSHOPS”.

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Healing the Emotions : a 2-part series (Oct 16 & Oct 23)
5:00 PM17:00

Healing the Emotions : a 2-part series (Oct 16 & Oct 23)

Are you stuck in an emotion, such as fear, anger, anxiety, frustration, or “not being good enough”? Come prepared with whatever emotion you would like to process, and in these two sessions with Steven, you will receive the tools to integrate and be with challenging emotions. (image by Sidney Sims)

$55 early-bird / $77 after October 9th - Sign up under WORKSHOPS

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How to Maintain Healthy Boundaries
5:00 PM17:00

How to Maintain Healthy Boundaries

We need healthy boundaries with others as well as ourselves in order to have space to recollect our energy, reassess our values and deeply understand how we feel. Steven Evans will focus on how to develop these boundaries from a place that is self-honoring and fluid, as opposed to rigid and hard.

$55 early bird special / $77 after October 4th, sign up under “Workshops”

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Free Sound Healing + Yoga + Meditation
2:00 PM14:00

Free Sound Healing + Yoga + Meditation

Experience sound healing in the beautiful greenhouse at Shelldance Orchid Nursery. Come for a day of healing. You will practice restorative yoga and have a Tibetan singing bowl played on your body. Joe Coffin, Sound Healer and Meditation instructor, will play his bowls while he leads you through a guided meditation. Bring a blanket for padding. Donations appreciated. Limited space, sign up at, under “sound healing.”


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World Gratitude Day - In celebration, get a massage!
12:01 AM00:01

World Gratitude Day - In celebration, get a massage!

Research shows that practicing gratitude regularly can improve sleep, mood and immunity. Gratitude can also decrease depression, anxiety, blood pressure, chronic pain and feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Come in for a massage and if you write down 3 things you are grateful for, you will get a $15 discount.

Start your gratitude practice today.

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"Conscious Living" Book Club
6:30 PM18:30

"Conscious Living" Book Club

This weekly book club’s mission is to promote spiritual, emotional and physical health through our readings and discussion.

In The Mastery of Love, don Miguel Ruiz illuminates the fear-based beliefs and assumptions that undermine love and lead to suffering and drama in our relationships.

We will be discussing Chapter 4 at our next meeting. Contact for the zoom link.

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Learn how Chi Nei Tsang can help you
11:00 AM11:00

Learn how Chi Nei Tsang can help you

We now offer Chi Nei Tsang. This is a gentle, abdominal massage. The goal of this type of massage is to remove energetic blockages in your gut, to help improve chronic conditions.

Shirley McClure will tell you what Chi Nei Tsang is, How it Works, and How it can help You.

Attendees will receive a discount on their first Chi Nei Tsang massage. (Masks are required)

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Death discussion: The Fear of Dying
6:30 PM18:30

Death discussion: The Fear of Dying

Each month Renee Daniel will host a discussion about topics surrounding those hard to talk about subjects: death, dying, grief and bereavement. She will use her experience in grief support work and as an end of life doula. These free, monthly talks will be a way for us to gain more information about death-related topics and reflect on our own relationship to death. Email for more information.

This month’s topic of our Death Discussion: Fear of Dying

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